Friday, October 24, 2014

2014 Election Meme #10

Het, Iowa... Wake Up! Vote your self-interest November 4th!!  You can be certain the !%ers will be voting their self-interest...

2014 Election Meme #9 (2nd Correction)

In the Original (as well as the 1st correction) I had wrongly identified November 14th as Election Day... One might think I was a GOP Operative, misinforming the voting public as to when to go to the polls... Yikes!!! To be perfectly clear: "VOTE NOVEMBER 4TH!!!"

Twitter Rant #1

Dedicated to all the Twitter Trolls, Grammar Trolls, Word Usage Trolls, Spelling Trolls and General Assholes (Ass-Holes?) who Tweet their vitriol each and every day...